detections module

This module defines the Detection class representing a single object detection result.

This class is used to store the output of an object detection model, including:

  • The predicted location of the object, represented by either a BoundingBox or a Keypoint instance (depending on the model’s output format).

  • The confidence score assigned by the model to this detection (a float between 0.0 and 1.0).

class utilities.detections.Detection(annotation: BoundingBox | Keypoint, confidence: float)

Bases: object

Represents a single detection result from an object detection model.


An instance of either BoundingBox or Keypoint class, depending on the type of annotation used for localization (bounding box or keypoints).


utilities.annotations.BoundingBox | utilities.annotations.Keypoint


A float value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the confidence score assigned by the object detection model to this detection.



annotation: BoundingBox | Keypoint
confidence: float